Job Descriptions:
1. Furniture carpenter
Molding furniture sponges (preparation of tools and templates for molding furniture sponges, preparation and adjustment of machines for molding furniture sponges, drawing furniture sponges based on templates, cutting sponges on the machine, preparing and gluing sponges to the body); preparation of the basic construction for furniture upholstery (preparation of tools for the basic construction for furniture upholstery, preparation and adjustment of machines for the basic construction for furniture upholstery, riveting of straps on the construction, placing silicone, coflin, felt, wire cores on the construction, upholstery of furniture with canvas, eco- with leather or leather, fitting the seat on the body); production of the final product (closing the structure with plain canvas, placing decorative buttons and decorative strips on the final product, installation of mechanisms and scissors for opening and closing furniture parts, installation of legs on the final product, packaging of the final product). Upon arrival at work, it is mandatory to wear work clothes, for his work he is directly responsible to the head of production.
2. Furniture tailor
Performs the work of the entire preparation for the production of furniture, sews the cut parts as well as the preparation for the further upholstery of the furniture, upon arrival to work it is mandatory to wear work clothes, for his work he is directly responsible to the head of production.